Against Me! - The Orginal Cowboy

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Label: Fat Wreck Chords
Rating: 3.5 Guns

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Against Me!

Review By: Natalie Perez
(Metal Editor)

"The Original Cowboy," is a punk rock attempt at the classical punk genre, showcasing all its own, the real essence that punk music once created. 8-tracks of upbeat lyrics and easy-listening, placed in the proper arrangements, get tossed around with music that just scatters it all away. Some of the tunes pretty much depend on the listener to want to get in on all the energetic fun.

"Rice and Bread," "Slurring The Rhythms," and "Cavalier Eternal," each sound a lot like Anti-Flag having sex with AFI. The instruments are guilty of sounding like Anti-Flag material, while the vocals sound a lot like Davey Havok's style - mellowness with fits of screaming thrown around at break-neck speed. Each of these tracks are a punk-rocking good time. The music sets the scene for pure headbanging, moshing, and jumping around, you just need the music to take you in.

Overall, Against Me!, has made an album that's suitable for not just punk listeners, but for all music fans. Basically, anyone and everyone should grab a piece of this punk-rocking action, whether you like the scene or not.

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