Shadows Fall - Retribution

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Label: Ever Black/Ferret
Rating: 3.5 Guns

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Shadows Fall

Written By: Natalie Perez
(Metal Editor)

"Retribution," is the sixth LP by American thrash-metalers, Shadows Fall, and Exposes listeners to Hell on Earth, with 10 brutalizing tracks of pure aggression, rage, and energy. Opening with a mellow dramatic sequence, "The Path of Imminent Ruin," an eerie-sounding, but smooth and crisp intro will send your senses flying. As the mellowness ends, "My Demise," begins, kicking listeners in the pants, as Shadows Fall have proven they've returned and that they still have what it takes after six records.

"War," "The Taste of Fear," "Picture Perfect," and "Dead and Gone," round off this album, exposing the instrumental craftsmanship of Shadows Fall, as each guitar carefully places the correct riff where it's supposed to be. The drums bash as hard and fast as possible, backing up the music with added balls. Lyrically, Shadows Fall captures the intensity that was used in their past attempts and then some. You can feel the emotions running through these musicians' veins.

"Retribution" highlights Shadows Fall's passion for making music; it really stands out.

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