Belphegor - Walpurgis Rites – Hexenwahn

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Written By: Natalie Perez
(Metal Editor)

Label: Nuclear Blast - Rating:

There isn't really much difference between the Black Metal and Death Metal - to begin with, the musical styling is the same, fast-paced guitar with energetic solos keeping the music in place, while the vocalist either screeches or growls until blood has sprawled from his raw throat. But... what happens when the two come together?

One word - Belphegor!

Belphegor has emerged as one of the most extreme black/death metal combos ever. The band members themselves describe their "hellride," or music, as "Supreme Death/ Black Metal Art.” But the word 'art' this hasn't hindered their musical chaos, having gone through a collection of EPs, LPs, and DVDs. Belphegor has unleashed their latest installment, "Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn" - Nine songs that surpass everything they've done thus far.

Taking their 'art' and burning it alive, come songs as "Hail The New Flesh," "The Crosses Made Of Bone," and "Enthralled Toxic Sabbath," pulsating, absolute darkness that Belphegor has been determined to produce! The music played throughout these chosen songs consists of nothing more than your basic black/death duties, from fast enraging guitar leads, to breakdown solos that get overrun by the chorus chaos of the vocalist’s workmanship. The music keeps itself motivated throughout from start to finish maintaining an ever-lasting “fresh” sensation that echoes as each riff or lyric is taken apart, making Belphegor’s "Walpurgis Rites – Hexenwahn," have the rights it truly deserves.

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